The Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK), for civilian use, or Android Tactical Assault Kit (also ATAK) for military use – is a suite of software that provides geospatial information and allows user collaboration over geography.
ATAK was originally developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and is now maintained by the TAK Product Center (TPC).
ATAK Plug-In is available from TAK.GOV
The Team Awareness Kit (TAK), for civilian uses, or Tactical Assault Kit (also TAK) for military uses is a suite of software that provides geospatial information and allows user collaboration over geography. There are numerous TAK Products in the TAK family, all developed at government expense
The Team Awareness Kit for Android (ATAK, also known as CivTAK) was originally developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and is now maintained by a Joint Product Center.
ATAK (including CivTAK) is an Android smartphone geospatial infrastructure and situational awareness app. It allows for precision targeting, surrounding land formation intelligence, situational awareness, navigation, and data sharing.
All the Android variants of TAK are virtually identical and all are interoperable with each other and with other TAK products. There are small, military-specific additions in military versions of ATAK.

ATAK Landscape View #1

ATAK Landscape View #2